Data File Format

Intent: Each program entered in the Loebner Prize Contest will produce a text file transcript of the interactions with Judges. The file should be readable by standard text-reader programs.

1. Each Computer Entry in the 2002 Loebner Prize Contest will append to a text file on disk containing the transcript of keyboard input and program output. The program should discard the existing contents of the file, but should open the file in append mode (the file should be created automatically if it does not exist yet).

2. The file will be named according to the input during set-up operation.

3. The file will be in ASCII text format suitable for input into a standard word processing program.

4. The first three lines are headers containing the following: (c)2002 the Institute for Mimetic Sciences, all rights reserved [Program Name] [Contestant Name] Start at: [YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS]

5. Each succeeding line will EITHER mirror one line displayed on the screen, preceded by the source "JUDGEnn" or "PROGRAM" and time in brackets OR indicate a change of Judges: "***JUDGEnn***". E.g: For the above interaction:- ***JUDGE04*** PROGRAM[14:12:25] Welcome judge 4 JUDGE04[14:12:32] Do you think that the JUDGE04[14:12:39] Republicans can succeed JUDGE04[14:12:55] in winning the White House? PROGRAM[14:13:15] Only if Newt succeeds in PROGRAM[14:13:17] developing a more tolerant image